Top 9 Low Carb Diets That Will Actually Make Your Life Better

Top 9 Low Carb Diets | Plus Little-Known Diet Tips

Low Carb Breakfast
Low Carb diets are one of the easiest ways to lose weight fast and still enjoy eating!

If you are considering reducing your carbohydrate intake, you are about to embark on a very interesting journey of how your body works.  Nonetheless, as with any journey, you need to know the GPS coordinates before you set off.  Basically, the body has a natural capability to expend the fat it has stored for energy. It is a natural function to convert stored fat into energy. A low carb diet initiates this process which is regulated by the body as a natural function of your body.  It is very exciting as you will experience changes in how your body processes food.  There are also so many options from which to choose.

What is a low carb diet?

A low carb diet is a diet that restricts the consumption of carbohydrates. As you would expect, the goal of a low carb diet is to consume chiefly foods that contain the low or limited quantity of carbohydrates. The foods known to contain few carbs are characteristically products which comprise of high quantities of fat and protein such as meat, chicken, fish, cheese, eggs, dairy products and so on.

What are the advantages?

A low carb diet is actually quite simple to begin.  Instead of focusing on what foods are not allowed, you can start by substituting foods with high carb levels for low carb foods.    Low carb diets are shown to be incredibly beneficial, with increased well-being and longer life expectancy.  Low carb diets typically lead to more rapid weight loss than other diet programs in addition to improved weight control due to more stable blood glucose levels.  It is said to lead to increased energy, less frequent cravings for sweets, better mental concentration, and improved mood.

What are the disadvantages?

While low-carb diets can provide immediate health benefits, results are often short-lived.  Weight is easily regained.  Even more alarming, keeping a low-carb diet puts yourself at danger of depriving the body of foods that provide much-needed nutrients for good health. Without consuming fruits and vegetables, it is challenging to get satisfactory amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Whole grains have been shown to defend against metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and cancer as well as being rich in lignin, which may guard against diabetes. Beans are high in protein, B-vitamins, and soluble fiber, and have been made known to shield against heart disease. Low carb diets tend to be high in saturated fat which is associated with obesity-related disorders such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Probably the strongest argument against a low carb diet is that it runs a risk of becoming quite costly.

9 Low Carb Diet Plans

17 Day Diet is a diet created by Mike Moreno whereby you adjust your consumption of carbohydrates. It involves going through four cycles, namely: acceleration, activation, achievement, and arrival as well as a daily 17-minute exercise.

Anabolic Diet is a low carbohydrate diet that interchanges with episodes of high carbohydrate ingestion.   Basically it is a high protein and high fat diet that involves carbs cycling.  It is vital that you eat the right combination at the right time.  It leads to fat loss, muscle gain, and overall improved health.

Ketogenic Diet is high in fat with modest protein and no carbohydrate. Ketones rather than glucose become the source of energy that the body begins to use.  It forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.  Because there are no carbohydrates, your liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which pass through the brain and replace glucose as the source of energy.

Cyclic Ketogenic Diet
6 Months and 7 Days on a Cyclic Ketogenic Diet. Losing body fat is extremely hard when you already have low body fat. As you can see, the Cyclic Ketogenic Diet is extremely effective at torching all sorts of fat.

The No-Grain Diet is very low in carbohydrates, as all grains, sugar, potatoes, and sweets are prohibited. It was created by Dr. Joseph Mercola and though the design was similar to that of the Atkins Diet, he went a step further by clarifying that there is a difference between good and bad carbohydrates. One very good friend of mine stopped eating grains and lost 50+ pounds of body fat with 0 exercise!

Rosedale Diet by Dr. Ron Rosedale places emphasis on fats rather than carbs.  Aside from fibrous carbs, carbs are to be avoided and the intake of the right types of fat, especially unsaturated fats, is encouraged.

The South Beach Diet begins with a phase of very low carb after which carbs are then completely barred.  Created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, the diet originates as a somewhat strict eating plan and then develops into a way of living that will allow you to simultaneously eat fine foods and keep your fine figure.

Sugar Busters is a moderate carb diet with a low daily calorie intake.  It doesn’t limit carb as much as it omits what carbs are permissible.  All sugar is prohibited and starches are discouraged.

Thermogenic Diet restricts carbohydrates while highlighting low glycemic sources and increasing intake of certain thermogenic foods.   Cathi Graham wrote the book after losing a massive 182 pounds in 18 months.  Together with the low glycemic index and thermogenic foods, aerobic and resistance exercises are encouraged between 5 and 6 days a week.

The Schwarzbein Principle was designed by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein to heal the metabolism and is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.   It is a diet that targets changing your lifestyle and managing all the areas of well being and not just nutrition.

Is Carb Restricted Dieting For You?

Read about various low-carb diets and become familiar with the principles.  Not one is exactly the same as another and they all focus on different areas. Like other eating plans, low carb diets can be healthy or not, balanced or not, and suitable for you or not.

You know the goals you wish to achieve and it is up to you to decide whether or not a low carb diet is a way to reach those goals.  If you are feeling unsure about whether a low carb diet is a right thing for you, get a second opinion from a trusted source.  Similarly, as with any diet, check with a dietitian or physician in your area before beginning a drastic change to your diet.

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