Bowflex PR3000 Secrets You Should Know | Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym Review
This Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym review is published with the purpose of helping you make the correct decision before buying this set piece of equipment. We'll try our best to give an unbiased review for Bowflex PR3000. This review is written based on the verified customer that had used this home gym equipment and also, this product information that been collected, researched and compiled from various reliable and trusted sources available online.
What to look if you want to buy a Home Gym equipment?
Most of the home gym equipment in the market tends to claims that they're able to give you the same experience of working out regularly at the gym with just one machine. However, before buying one, you might want to consider several key aspects such as below:
- Does it able to deliver an optimal amount of resistance?
- Does it have a weight system that can give a good challenge for your body?
- Does it meet your standard for strength training?
- Does it easy and intuitive to use?
- Does it fit in your home?
Then, does the Bowflex PR3000 meet these standards? Continue to read to find out the answer. We had compiled the pros and cons of this machine from different customer-written reviews so that you can judge for yourself, is this machine worth owning.
About Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym
Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym offers you the easiest and cheapest way for you to have that best-looking body in the comfort of your own home. Bowflex PR3000 is an exercise equipment that specifically designed to be a total body workout machine so that you won't need to buy various other pieces of equipment or machines that are designed for a specific exercise only.This way, you'll save money and space at your home cause you'll need to use one machine (rather than various exercise equipment) that doesn't even take that much of a space at your home.
Bowflex is a brand name for a series of fitness and exercise equipment produced by Nautilius Inc. based in Vancouver, Washington D.C ; (800) 216-9028. They also can be contacted via email at here.
Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym Technology
Bowflex technology might be a little different from the current conventional ways of home gym exercising. The common weight training is to use or exercising with another weight/mass to create a resistance and build your muscle.However, Bowflex technology uses a different approach by introducing the flexible Power Rod that will act as resistance during your workout routine. The Power Rod will bend when you pull the cable which then helps create the resistance that you need for your exercises.
Power Rod, Cable, and Pulley System at work.
Bowflex PR3000 Technical Info:
➜ Key Features:- Exercise options: 50+
- Resistance upgrade: 310 lbs, 410 lbs
- Power rod resistance: 210 lbs
- Weight capacity: 300 lbs
➜ Dimension:
- Length: 64”
- Width: 41”
- Height: 83”
➜ Shipping
- Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym shipping costs might vary depending on where you purchase from and the type of delivery that you prefer. However, some retailers, such as, are able to provide free shipping.
➜ Assembly:
- The Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym is easy to assemble. The instructions are well organized and easier to follow than most other home gyms.This assembly process might be as quick as 1 hours but might go up to 3 hours depending on your assembly skills.
➜ Warranty:
- Machine: 1 year
- Rods: 7 years
- Parts: 60 days
Does Bowflex PR3000 Work as Hyped?
The Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym is definitely another of Bowflex greatest products. Its pretty hard for a bodybuilder to get the full workout with normal home gyms but Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym offer the weights resistance right up to 210 lbs (you can upgrade it to 310 lbs later) which was perfect to complete all of your exercise routines with more than enough weight. Bowflex PR3000 definitely gave you the option of staying away from the gym and getting the same workout right at home.
The Power Rod technology of the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym was easy on the joints. There’s no inertia of free weights and hence one could easily take the resistance up to affect the joints negatively. Having bad joints?, the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym definitely took care of that problem without you having to change your weights. So good job with the power rods, Bowflex.
Another thing that stood out with the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym was its storage ability. I mean think of having basically an equipment capable of doing over 50 exercises pretty much what a gym offers right? But you could take the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym and store it in any room in your house and still have space left over to put other things. It's mind-blowing!
The Power Rod technology of the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym was easy on the joints. There’s no inertia of free weights and hence one could easily take the resistance up to affect the joints negatively. Having bad joints?, the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym definitely took care of that problem without you having to change your weights. So good job with the power rods, Bowflex.
Another thing that stood out with the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym was its storage ability. I mean think of having basically an equipment capable of doing over 50 exercises pretty much what a gym offers right? But you could take the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym and store it in any room in your house and still have space left over to put other things. It's mind-blowing!
► Bench Press
► Decline Bench Press
► Incline Bench Press
► Crossover High Rear Delt Rows
► Seated Shoulder Press
► Shoulder Shrug
► Lateral Shoulder Raise
► Shoulder Rotator Cuff (internal)
► Shoulder Rotator Cuff (external)
► Standing Low Back Extension
► Narrow Pulldowns
► Stiff-Arm Pulldowns
► Reverse Grip Pulldown
► Triceps Pushdown
► Triceps Extension ... Read More
► Decline Bench Press
► Incline Bench Press
► Crossover High Rear Delt Rows
► Seated Shoulder Press
► Shoulder Shrug
► Lateral Shoulder Raise
► Shoulder Rotator Cuff (internal)
► Shoulder Rotator Cuff (external)
► Standing Low Back Extension
► Narrow Pulldowns
► Stiff-Arm Pulldowns
► Reverse Grip Pulldown
► Triceps Pushdown
► Triceps Extension ... Read More
Does Bowflex PR3000 Work as advertised?
Whether it’s high-intensity training or trying to pack on that hardcore muscle, you'll found that Bowflex PR3000 was capable of handling anything. You could go from the standard bench press straight into the cable flyes. Lat pull downs are even possible and don't forget about squatting also. The Bowflex PR3000 was just hitting everything you could think of.
And this where it becomes an advantage is in time conservation. With the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym, you didn’t have to be running here and there trying to get weights or having to change weights or positions often. You just simply exchange exercise from one to the other. There was hardly any delay in Bowflex PR3000 workouts which, of course, works great when you’re doing high-intensity training.
So, does Bowflex PR3000 beginner friendly?
The Bowflex PR3000 Home gym is suitable for a beginner as well as a bodybuilder. No matter where you are in your training program the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym will handle your needs. And if it’s too easy you can also add up to 310lbs. The Bowflex PR3000 has between 5-210lbs (factory default without been upgrade yet). So it’s clear to see that no matter which one you are; beginner or bodybuilder; there’s a weight for you.
As a side note, the assembling process of the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym is very simple once you follow the instructions. Really great and easy to assemble the product. If you want more Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym reviews, continue to read below.
And this where it becomes an advantage is in time conservation. With the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym, you didn’t have to be running here and there trying to get weights or having to change weights or positions often. You just simply exchange exercise from one to the other. There was hardly any delay in Bowflex PR3000 workouts which, of course, works great when you’re doing high-intensity training.
So, does Bowflex PR3000 beginner friendly?
The Bowflex PR3000 Home gym is suitable for a beginner as well as a bodybuilder. No matter where you are in your training program the Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym will handle your needs. And if it’s too easy you can also add up to 310lbs. The Bowflex PR3000 has between 5-210lbs (factory default without been upgrade yet). So it’s clear to see that no matter which one you are; beginner or bodybuilder; there’s a weight for you.
As a side note, the assembling process of the Bowflex PR3000 Home gym is very simple once you follow the instructions. Really great and easy to assemble the product. If you want more Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym reviews, continue to read below.
What Other People Say?
We also take a look at what other people had to say about this product. Most of them are truly satisfied with Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym as some regarded this home gym are the best investment they ever made.
Verified Customer Testimonial - Real Customer Review:
Verified Customer Testimonial - Real Customer Review:
Trivia: Nautilus Inc., the maker of Bowflex exercise equipment series had been operating since 1986 and they're also the manufacturer of other famous exercise equipment brand such as Schwinn Fitness and Universal Gym Equipment.
What do We Say About this Bowflex PR3000?
✔ What We Like:
► Easy to AssembleMost of the problem user will have will home gym is the assembly process but worry not as this machine came with detailed instruction on how and what you'll to do when doing it assembly.
► It's Quiet to Use
The motion is smooth (smoother than the Weider Platinum)
► Variety of Exercises
No need for cable changes thus helps to keeps workouts moving along. You don’t have to move heavy weights around during my workout.
► It Doesn’t Take Much Floor Space
It doesn't require that much of space to be left on. As per dimension stated, it will need around 64"L x 41" W only.
►Power Rod Can Be Upgraded to 310 lbs
What's interesting, is that you can upgrade the power rod up to 310 lbs if you think the factory default standard is too easy for you.
✘ What We Don't Like
► Bows resistance isn’t specifiedBows resistance isn’t as the weight specified but there was still more than enough resistance to give you a burn. Larger men and very fit people should probably get the 310 lbs upgrade pretty quickly.
► Short warranty on smaller parts
As mentioned before, the warranty of this home gym is up to 1 years but that is limited to the machine only, while the rod and other smaller parts are having a short life during their warranty period. So, take proper note and caution when you feel something wrong with your machine.
Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym Final Verdict
➜ Value for money?
Losing weight and getting into shape is hard nowadays. We usually end up on the bed after a full day of working and wake up tomorrow just to do the same routine again and again.Thus, making us don't really have enough time to go to the gym even though we're paying for the gym membership on monthly basis.So, why not investing some of your money and time with this home gym as you won't need to go to the gym or even paying for it membership anymore. You're able to get almost the same amount of exercise without the need of stepping out from your home or even seeing that monthly gym membership bills that your hardly attend to.
➜ Any Guarantee or Warranty?
It's possible to return back the item after you had received it in case there's some defect or damage when receiving the package. There's six-week return policy made available by Bowflex for their unsatisfied customers. Please refer to Bowflex Return Policy page for more info.
➜ Our Final Verdict!
After considering most of the factor that could affect your judgement such as the manufacturer reliability, the number of exercises,the ease to assemble, the area needed for this home gym, the price, it effectiveness, number of positive reviews from buyers and lastly the convenience and the ease to be used on daily basis, Healthy Panda Review approve Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym as a suitable home gym for you with 4 star rating.YES ... I WANT IT NOW!
If you're interested to own Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym, get it at a discounted price by clicking the button below. If you not satisfied with your result within 30 days after delivery, you're eligible for full refund*
Take some time to check out our other reviews:Who Should Get Bowflex PR3000?
► To Lose Weight
Those who still not finding their way to kick-start their weight loss exercise training might want to consider using Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym your starting point.
► To Build Muscle
This is obvious as Bowflex PR3000 able to offer you up to 50+ exercise with a suitable weight resistance using their flexible power rod (which is upgradeable) to help your muscle training.
Those who still not finding their way to kick-start their weight loss exercise training might want to consider using Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym your starting point.
► To Build Muscle
This is obvious as Bowflex PR3000 able to offer you up to 50+ exercise with a suitable weight resistance using their flexible power rod (which is upgradeable) to help your muscle training.
► To Increase Energy
By exercising, you will increase your metabolism and this will lead to providing you with more energy than ever.
By exercising, you will increase your metabolism and this will lead to providing you with more energy than ever.
► Long-Term Health Plan
Exercising is one of the best ways to conserve your health and this Bowflex PR3000 not only increase your energy but also indirectly aid to your long-term health plan.
Exercising is one of the best ways to conserve your health and this Bowflex PR3000 not only increase your energy but also indirectly aid to your long-term health plan.

While it might seem a little pricey for some but this home gym still cheap compared to other commercial used home gym equipment, heck, it might be one of the cheapest home gyms you might ever see.
► Small Space Requirement
One of the main benefits of Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym is the small area needed for it to be placed. Very suitable for those who had limited space in their home.
► As a Gift
Know someone that loves to go to the gym, or perhaps your loved one is a gym freak? Thus, this Bowflex PR3000 will be the perfect gift to him/her.
► On Budget Home Gym
You won't need to drive to your gym or even pay any gym membership once you own this piece of equipment thus help to save your time and money.
Who Shouldn't Use Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym?
Bowflex PR3000 Home Gym is for those people who are dedicated to leading a healthy lifestyle and can make use of it 2-3 times a week. If you are willing to be patient and use this as directed and not as clothes stand, then the price of less than $1000 is a good investment for a healthier and slimmer you because health is more important than anything else.
* Please check/refer to your respective vendor/manufacturer return policy.
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